Spaces Management

This article explains what are “Spaces” and how to use them to reflect your internal organisation.

🎯 Introduction to Spaces

Let’s imagine that you’re a hotel chain and you want only employees of a specific hotel to access the location's assets: location info, players and playlists.

For this, you can create a Space and add specific members to manage and view only the resources that concern them. They won't have access to other resources unless explicitly specified.

Moreover you can define a member rights depending on the space they belongs to. For example a member can be a viewer in the “Berlin" space but he an administrator in the “Paris" space.

🎯 Steps

  • On the left menu, navigate to Account > Spaces.
  • Click Create new Space at the top right corner of the screen.
  • Choose a title for your Space..
  • Click on Create to confirm. 
  • Then click Save to complete the process.

Now you can either invite a new member to connect to the Space you created or you can edit an existing member and add a Rule.