How to create and add my own content?

Learn how to create and add your own content that speaks directly to your audience!

🎯 Introduction

One of the best things about showing your own content on your screens is the ability to tailor it specifically to your audience.

You know your community best, and can create content that speaks directly to their needs and interests. Whether you're promoting an upcoming event, sharing important updates, or simply showcasing your brand, creating your own content allows you to get your message across in a way that resonates with your audience.

🎯 So, how do you get started?

With the Studio tool, you can quickly and easily create videos, static designs, and images that are perfect for display on your screen.

However, creating your own content is only the first step. Once your creative is complete, you should ensure it meets the necessary creative specifications to be optimally displayed on your screen. You can find all the details about the specifications here.

To upload the selected content to the gallery, either click "Export to Gallery" in the top right corner of the Studio tool or select "New Advertisement" in the gallery. Then you can add your creative to different playlists and later assign them to various screens. The next step involves using the scheduler.

🎯 Scheduler

Once you've assigned your creative to one or more screens, you can use the scheduler to make additional settings for determining when and how often your creative will be played:

  • First, you choose the duration of the element, meaning how long your creative will be played continuously.
  • Then, you can narrow it down further by selecting specific days and times. You can also choose specific time frames to optimise the coordination of your screen content.

Looking for more engaging content still? Then learn more about our 'Channels' section on the FRAMEN Screen Manager, where you get free access to top news providers and influencers.