How do I reset my screen rotation?

Here we will give you some easy step-by-step instructions on how to reset your screen rotation.


🎯 In the FRAMEN App:

  • Go to TV Box menu by clicking the hamburger button Hamburger Button on the remote control.
  • Scroll down to Rotate in the left-hand side menu.
  • Click the OK button on the remote control to adjust your screen rotation accordingly.

🎯 In the Operating System of the TV Box:

Useful if your TV is in portrait mode!

  • Go to TV Box menu by clicking hamburger button Hamburger Button on the remote control.
  • In the left-hand side menu scroll down to Settings
  • In the Setting menu, scroll down to Rotation
  • Choose the right screen rotation
  • Confirm the changes by clicking 'Yes'


🎯 What if you receive ads in the wrong rotation?

Please contact the support team by opening a ticket mentioning:

  •  Location Title
  • Player Title(s) / Player ID(s)
  • The orientation of your TV