Our new Forecast Report feature has quickly turned out to be one of the most popular add-ons to FRAMEN’s Ads Manager due to it’s accuracy and reliability. The tool allows you to forecast a campaign’s using insightful key performance indicators like total impressions generated across geographic boundaries, venue types and individual locations. With these capabilities, this feature is game-changing for advertisers when it comes to DOOH campaign planning.
How can the Forecast Report support you?
When began creating the Forecast Report, we wanted to build a supportive feature that would empower advertisers and agencies alike to make the best decisions when it comes to ad campaign choices - where, when etc. The goal was to make forecasting future campaigns more reliable, across a multitude of KPIs, but also help media agencies and creative designers (particularly those new to DOOH) to easily experiment with this medium and plan for ads that really stand out in varying contextual environments.
Benefit 1: The Forecast Report’s analytical features give you access to a powerful dashboard of key performance indicators used within the adtech industry, like impressions generated, total spots, ad display frequency and share-of-voice.
Benefit 2: The Forecast Report supports the creative aspect of any campaign by providing a visual simulation of what an ad creative could look like on representative screens. This visual component is crucial to plan campaigns if you’re not familiar with this medium or need contextual information to see how the ad aligns within a specific environment.
Thanks to the creative simulation of the Forecast Report, this can all be done within a couple of seconds and one click - try it out yourself here.
[Info box] How to get started with FRAMEN’s Ads Manager and its new Forecast Report: Simply create a new account, or log into your account. When you create a campaign, find the “Forecast Report” button on the right side of the screen. If you don’t have any creatives yet, you can play around with some of the ads that ran on the FRAMEN network. You’ll find them in the Creatives section.
Benefit 3: The Forecast Report tool also helps advertisers to effectively communicate a campaign’s configuration and performance to all stakeholders. Simply click on the share button and send the link to anyone you need to communicate your campaign goals with.
KPI section deep dive
The Ads Manager’s Forecast Report gives you crucial insights into key performance indicators of campaigns you run on the FRAMEN network. Whilst the tool provides basic insights like impressions and total spots generated, the report also gives you advanced stats like ad display frequency and share of voice.
Example above: This test campaign targets coworking spaces in London. Inspecting the delivery over time, you’ll notice no delivery on some of the days - this is because some venue types are closed on weekends and therefore don’t consume your campaign budget at such times. These insights - from ad display frequency to actual delivery over time - give you powerful insights and let you master the world of DOOH advertising.
Visual simulation of your ad creatives
The preview of what your brand creatives could look like on representative screens of selected venue types is a powerful way to visualise and discuss the impact an ad might have in a contextual environment. Some ads work well at gas stations, whilst others are suited more to a coworking, gym or hotel environment. Bringing your ad to life makes all the difference, especially when it comes to dwell time, interaction with the screen, and first-time advertisers and creative designers trying DOOH as a marketing medium. If you’re new to DOOH and found the Forecast Report useful, drop us a line. 🙂