Review Status : Campaign Pending Approval

Campaign status 'Pending'? Here's why!

Why is your campaign currently in 'Pending' status?

When your campaign is activated, it enters the 'Pending' status, indicating that it is undergoing review.

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Who oversees the approval and review of your ad creatives?

Your ad creatives first undergoes a check by the FRAMEN team to ensure they do not contain explicit content. Following this, depending on your targeting, your creatives are submitted to relevant screen networks for approval.

What are the criteria for ad approval?

The screen network owners have full discretion to either approve or reject your ad materials. Typically, the approval process occurs within 24 hours. If there's no response from the screen network owner within this timeframe, your campaign will be automatically approved.

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Note: In the future, the screen network owner can choose to disapprove your previously approved ads.

How to check approval status?

To verify your approval status:

  • Navigate to your campaign.
  • Select the creative you want to check the status for in the creatives section of your campaign.
  • Hover over the approval status bar to check the screen network approval status - approved, pending, or rejected.
  • The percentages are continuously updated in real-time.

What happens in case of less than 100% approval?

A 100% approval rate is not necessary for a successful campaign. Your campaign budget would be auto distributed among the locations that have approved your ad creatives.


Get Started 🚀

Use the FRAMEN Ads Manager to start your advertising campaign, or schedule a call with our sales team for assistance with setting up your FRAMEN campaign.

➡️ Start your campaign on the FRAMEN Ads Manager.

➡️ Book a call with our support team.